Chinese Zodiac Sheep 2010, Chinese Horoscope Sheep 2010
Overall in 2010
The noble stars will dispel the dark mist upon your constellation gradually and illuminate the path of fortune ahead. The beneficial star Yuede suggests a significant favor and kindness from high rank. Under the cooperation of another aristocratic star Yutang, you will attain more occasions of development and trust in the work. The star of joy Tianxi will smooth your pursuit of love and bring you the gratification of happiness (for examples, promotion, wedding, giving birth to a baby, etc). To activate the auspicious chi of your favorable stars and actualize your cherished dreams and pursuits, you can display the golden Golden Pi Yao in the east and hide the Golden Garlic inside the drawer that you usually use. The Pi Yao Grand Duke is not just to protect you from sudden holdbacks and mishaps caused by the evil energy, but also ease the transition in the course of leaving the ominous effect of Grand Duke. Furthermore, the golden Pi Yao is particularly commissioned to stimulate both the providential career luck and the wealth luck of propitious star Six White and support you to achieve your deserved potential completely. For the gradual bright sky of your horoscope is also interspersed with disastrous stars - Sick stars Sifu and HuangFan will bring ailments to you and even your family (particularly elders), while Banan and Xiaohao will bother you with unexpected expenditure and labyrinths. To sail through the bambora and reach the land of success, you need to safeguard your ride with the blessing lights of the benefactor stars.
Suggestions for Career
Under the shield of propitious stars Yuede, Ram people will have a raise in recognition and reputation. More chances are given to you from the higher rank; promotional opportunities are also coming into your view. Besides, Yutang star will also enlighten your talent and abilities in the work. Ram people can tap the inspiration chi from the creativity star by Green Dragon Statue in the north. Business people will obtain supports from the big benefactors, and therefore has good turnover. Nevertheless, the menacing star Banan invades your constellation, which means you will suffer undeserved ill turn, disagreements, and legal entanglements in the meantime. Sometimes you will be beleaguered by a tangled skein of problems in life. You had better to cut the Gordian knot right away, otherwise, it may start snowball and become a prolonged trouble. It is advantageous for you to place Thousand Hand Guan Yin in the west and the yellow Citrine Tree in the center. Thousand hand Buddha is recognized as one of the most merciful Buddha that are infinitely resourceful, as long as the prayers are supplicating with wholeheartedness, he is very willing to help people out of trouble and giving them the directions in life. To guard against disputes or gossips in work, you can place red color Money Frog(with three red envelopes underneath the red frog) in the south. Those who have plowed the hard earth and sought for a bigger ambition, they can place the Carps Jumping Over Dragon Gate Picture in the northwest and the Clear Quartz Pyramid in the center to trigger the star of joy and foster your promotional luck.
Suggestions for Wealth
The general income fortune is stable for the advance of star Yutang. If you embark on career related to sales, insurance, finance, or business, the fortuitous star Yuede will invite you benefactors to facilitate your accumulations of wealth. Sadly, the intrusion of Xiaohao star will cause you some unforeseen financial losses. Making a donation to philanthropies can minimize your unexpected cost. To smooth away the difficulties and harvest the year of opulence, you can display the colorful Feng Shui Dragon Tortoises in the center and Aventurine Tree in the northwest to usher the wealth star into your house and grant your wishes in the acquisition of prosperity to come true. To adopt a detailed monetary plan is necessary and helpful. Since the windfall luck is weak as well, for those who prefer to do speculation or go on gamble, it is hard for them to make the ends meet. Hanging the Red Scroll - Nian Nian You Yu in the south and the Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant Charm in the southeast will shelter your hard-earned income from being drained by accident and theft. You can also display golden Metal Ingot together with the Blue Rhinoceros and Elephant Charm to reinforce your extra income luck. Office people can hide the Jade Ru Yi inside their drawer to bless them with daily smoothness.

Suggestions for Relationship
The lucky star Yutang will patronize you with a pleasant relationship in the work, and the arrival of Tianxi star in your constellation will suggest the coming of joyous events in your life. Tianxi star will also lighten your image in your social life and make your networking much easier than before. Even you just split up with your ex-partner; you are still very likely to initiate another relationship in the year of Tiger. Nevertheless, star Tianxi shows special favor to female, as a result, the female Ram people have better chance to find their suitable partners. Singles can place the golden Mandarin Ducks in the east and Rose Quartz Tree in the east to stir the flame of your love stars and energize you with love attraction. For those who want to fructify their courtship or look forward to marry their sweethearts, they can further carry the Jade Rabbit charm with them to enhance their personal romance energy. Zodiac rabbit is generated from one of four love zodiac palaces, thus it is an inherent love symbol. More importantly, rabbit is in the harmonious union with zodiac ram, which means Rabbit still strengthen Ram people's personal energy. Bestowed upon with protective nature of jade stone to combat negative encounter, this Jade Rabbit charm is perfect relationship regulator and enhancer for Ram people. It is a year of harmony and bliss for Ram couples even there is some minor dent in your relationship with your spouse. Staying with the blissful Tianxi star, Ram mothers will have the best chances to be pregnant. Couples can display rose quartz mandarin ducks by their bed and hand the red kissing couples in the northwest of the bedroom to enjoy a year of satisfaction and gratification. The placement of three red envelops in the south is enough to combat the quarrelsome energy. The expectant Ram mother can wear/carry the Red Goldstone kuanyin pendent to ensure a safe and harmonious pregnancy. To alleviate the energy of violence and accident, they can hang the blue Kuan Yin Charm in the southeast of the house. Do avoid any reconstruction inside and outside (not even punch the nail into the wall) house while mother's pregnancy. Please put off any plan of remodel or reconstruction until the safe delivery. Our experienced Feng Shui masters have proved and observed many tragedies happening after the reconstruction for the fragile chi of embryo is very easily affected by the environment around. If the accidental reconstruction happens (sometimes outside the house), it is better to leave that house for at least one day.
Suggestions for Health
Being haunted by the Sifu star (the death charm), Ram people are vulnerable to ailments or other calamities. Beware of the inrush of epidemics and virus. Health is the weakest link for Ram people this year. Mind losing, out of concentration, anxiety and depression will happen to you due to the evil energy of Huangfan star. The year of Tiger may also witness some healthy problems occurring to the elders in your family, because of sick star HuangFan will attack not only you but also your family member. Easily invaded by the germ, elder people who have prolonged diseases should be specially paid attention to. The golden Wu Lou Amulet in the northwest can break the ill-developed sick energy of overstress and bring you an easeful mood in life, while the golden Medicine Buddha and pagoda wind chime in the southwest is the authentic remedy to prevent you from serious diseases and mishaps. You can also shield the elders in your family from complaints by tying three natural gourds by the older people's bed. The placement of three natural gourds is beneficial for those who have a prolonged sickness particularly. Elder people should also place the God of Longevity - Sou in their room.