2021 Chinese Horoscope for Zodiac Tiger People

By | January 31, 2021

Overall for Chinese Horoscope Tiger in 2021 Year of the Ox: 

The general fortune of Zodiac Tiger is elevated due to the good blessing from the benign star Taiyang (sun). Taiyang, one of the most powerful benefactor stars, symbolizes the sun and infinite strong positive energy. Taiyang star also indicates great benefactor luck for the Tiger people; it means Tiger people will be blessed by the male or elder powerful people (for instance, a high rank male authority). However, the trespass of three other villainous stars also indicate emotional disturbance, theft, accidental injuries and losses. The arrival of Tiankong (sky), a neutral star of enlightenment and creativity, will enhance one’s understanding of spiritual life and help one to discover one’s inner value, albeit also bringing one some unrealistic thoughts.

Suggestions for Career:  

With the illumination of the lucky star Taiyang in one’s constellation, one will receive the benefactor’s help in the work, especially from male. Even though there are other two evil stars may bring obstacles in the way, the powerful Taiyang star will help one to achieve one’s goal. Tiger people are easy to obtain appreciation and support from their male mentors. When one are proceeding to an important program, one had better try to cooperate with a male partner and consider more about their advice. Tiger people should be aware of villain and backstabber for the negative influences from Yinsha star. Side issues or sudden setbacks may rise due to being overconfident. 

Suggestion for Wealth:

Tiger people who engage in business will especially enjoy their collaboration with male partners. If the job is associated with relationship work (for examples, salesman, insurance, real estate agent, lawyer, etc.), or one’s sale targets are mainly about male clients, the reward of one’s work will increase accordingly. Those who seek for business expansion abroad or in distant location will find good opportunity to actualize their plan. Huiqi star (unfavorable chi) will ruin a good opportunity if one does not follow up closely.

Suggestions for Relationship: 

2021 is a good time to find one’s potential partner. Taiyang star would brighten one’s image in one’s social life and make one’s social life easier than before. Nonetheless, female Tiger people will enjoy a better love luck than male Tiger people and become more attractive than usual since Taiyang represents male energy. Couples should have a better self-control and not to give in to temptation because they are prone to relationship entanglement this year for the romance luck, which is easy to cause troubles and torments.

Suggestion for Health:  

Tiger people should pay close attention to traffic safety.

The only ominous star that stays in one’s health house is Huiqi star (unfavorable chi), which causes one some ailments and emotional problems. Stay focus and always be positive.

Cures for Chinese Zodiac Tiger in 2021:

Anti Robbery Plaque

Enhancers for Chinese Zodiac Tiger in 2021:

Red Victory Windhorse Amulet