Activate Tao Hua Position

By | June 25, 2009

What is Tao Hua?
Tao Hua is like the flying star that is in charge of love and relationship. Tao Hua is in different position for different people. The location of Tao Hua is according to person’s Chinese zodiac sign. For someone seeking for friend or lover, it is better to activate Tao Hua.

How to activate Tao Hua?
There are a lot of ways to activate it. The easy and efficient way is using vase filled with refresh water and live flowers and displaying that vase in Tao Hua position for 3 month. Make sure to keep it clean and fresh all time, change it if needed.

Where is my Tao Hua position?
Tao Hua position is base on your Chinese Zodiac sign. The positions are as followings:
Zodiac Rat sign: in the West
Zodiac Ox sign: in the South
Zodiac Tiger sign: in the East
Zodiac Rabbit sign: in the North
Zodiac Dragon sign: in the West
Zodiac Snake sign: in the South
Zodiac Horse sign: in the East
Zodiac Sheep sign: in the North
Zodiac Monkey sign: in the West
Zodiac Rooster sign: in the South
Zodiac Dog sign: in the East
Zodiac Boar sign: in the North

What color of vase do I need?
Zodiac Rat sign: white color
Zodiac Ox sign: red color
Zodiac Tiger sign: green color
Zodiac Rabbit sign: blue color
Zodiac Dragon sign: white color
Zodiac Snake sign: red color
Zodiac Horse sign: green color
Zodiac Sheep sign: blue color
Zodiac Monkey sign: white color
Zodiac Rooster sign: red color
Zodiac Dog sign: green color
Zodiac Boar sign: blue color

Other useful tips and items to improve love relationship is at Feng Shui for Love.

Happy Kissing Couple

If you are not sure what zodiac sign you are, you can use Chinese Zodiac Signs Calculator Tool to find out.