Chinese Zodiac animals are consisting of 12 Chinese zodiac signs: the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. Each of them implies a lot of information inside. Some zodiac signs are against each other; Some are allied together; Some are secret friends of others.
If Chinese zodiac animals are allied together, they will combine to another element and get stronger and more powerful. 12 animals are in one circle. Every 4 animals apart are allied as followings:
1. Rat, Dragon and Monkey are allied;
2. Ox, Snake and Rooster are allied;
3. Tiger, Horse and Dog are allied;
4. Rabbit, Sheep and Pig are allied

Therefore, people would like to display those allied animal statues together to let them stronger. For example, if someone’s zodiac sign is either Rat or Dragon or Monkey, he/she may display these three animal statues together at his/her home/office.
Besides of allied animals, animal’s secret friend acts as friends who can help you. Followings are the list of the secret friends:
1. Rat’s secret friend is Ox;
2. Ox’s secret friend is Rat;
3. Tiger’s secret friend is Pig;
4. Rabbit’s secret friend is Dog;
5. Dragon’s secret friend is Rooster;
6. Snake’s secret friend is Monkey;
7. Horse’s secret friend is Sheep;
8. Sheep’s secret friend is Horse;
9. Monkey’s secret friend is Snake;
10. Rooster’s secret friend is Dragon;
11. Dog’s secret friend is Rabbit;
12. Pig’s secret friend is Tiger;
You can shop Rat Statues, Ox Statues, Tiger Statues, Rabbit Statues, Dragon Statues, Snake Statues, Horse Statues, Sheep Statues, Monkey Statues, Rooster Statues, Dog Statues and Pig Statues at Feng Shui – Chinese Store