How to Feng Shui Desk for Your Child

By | June 20, 2012

WenChang PagodaIt is very important to set up one study desk for your child in correct location. If you set it right according to the feng shui rules, you can let your child more focus on his(her) study and achieve good score eventually. Otherwise, it is hard to let your child concentrate his(her) attention on his(her) study. Followings are some feng shui tips of how to feng shui desk for your child.

1. Don’t set up the desk too close to the door, or the hallway, or directly on the extension of the hallway. Otherwise your child would not like to stay there to study. Instead what his(her) think is going outside to play.

2. Don’t let your child face his(her) bed to study when he(she) is sitting on the chair. Otherwise your child would like to sleep whenever he(she) has books on his(her) hand.

3. It is better to have solid wall against his(her) back when he(she) sitting down. Window on the back is second choice.

4. Don’t sit against the wall of the toilet. Don’t face to kitchen or face to toilet.

5. You can set the table in the WenChang location. Wenchang location is changing every year. In 2012, it is in East. In 2013 year of the snake, it is in SE (Wenchang is flying star that is in charge of education).

6. If you don’t want to move your desk yearly by the flying star, you can set the desk on FuWei location by his(her) personal Gua number. Use this Gua Number tool to find out where the FuWei is.

One thought on “How to Feng Shui Desk for Your Child

  1. Wedding stages

    cant wait to setup my desk for my child. feng shui!

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