Kua Number and Auspicious Location

By | August 20, 2009

Feng Shui Kua Number is also Gua Number or Qua Number. It is based on the lunar year of birth and gender. Kua number can tell one person’s auspicious and inauspicious directions and locations. There is formula to calculate kua number. You can use our kua number calculator to find out what kua number you are.

Since the kua number determine which parts are good for you and where are not good for you. Therefore you can choose to spend more time on your auspicious location. Followings are the good locations dependant on your gua number and gender:

1. Kua Number is 1: the best auspicious location is in SE;
2. Kua Number is 2: the best auspicious location is in NE;
3. Kua Number is 3: the best auspicious location is in S;
4. Kua Number is 4: the best auspicious location is in N;
5. Kua Number is 5 and Male: the best auspicious location is in NE;
6. Kua Number is 5 and Female: the best auspicious location is in SW;
7. Kua Number is 6: the best auspicious location is in W;
8. Kua Number is 7: the best auspicious location is in NW;
9. Kua Number is 8: the best auspicious location is in SW;
10. Kua Number is 9: the best auspicious location is in E;