Monthly Flying Star for April 5th to May 6th 2015

By | March 24, 2015

Flying stars, as the manifestation of solar energy, go with pattern of the sun. The solar March, known as the month of Dragon, starts on April 5th and ends on May 6th. In this period, the monthly flying star and the annual flying star create a new energy combo in each corner of house, thus producing some new potential opportunities and danger to the family member.

In this monthly flying star chart, the black number on the upper left of each grid is the annual star of the corresponding corner; therefore, it is unchanged throughout the year. The blue number stays in the center of every grid is the monthly star, changing every month. The 3rd Monthly Flying Star Chart for April 5th to May 6th is as following:

March 2013 Monthly Flying Stars Chart

The monthly flying stars and annual flying stars will be same in this month. So the energy will get double.

Monthly ominous corners:
1. Center: Monthly star #3 and annual star #3 – Displaying one Orange Glass Horse Statue in the center;
2. West: Monthly star #5 and annual star #5: – Displaying one Dragon Snake with 5-Element Pagoda Wind Chime in this location;
3. South: Monthly star #7 and annual star #7 – Display or hanging one Anti-Burglary Plaque in the south corner;
4. Southeast: Monthly star #2 and annual star #2 – Displaying the Wu Lou with Longevity God in the southeast

Monthly auspicious corner:
1. East: Monthly star #1 and annual star #1 – Display one Blue Crystal Ball to enhance the harmonious chi;
2. Southwest: Monthly star #9 and annual star #9 – display Light Purple Crystal Ball with one Buddha Lamp in the southwest;
3. North: Monthly star #8 and annual star #8 – display one pot over there;
4. Northwest: Monthly star #4 and annual star #4 – display one Tabletop Water Fountain ( Water fountain is in gray or black water, such as sku #FSITP0048. Make sure to display it close to North position) and Chinese Calligraphy Set in this region;
5. Northeast: Monthly star #6 and annual star #6 – display one 6 Heaven Gold Coins Plaque in this area